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To kick off the life of our blog we thought it only fitting that our first post be based around how Electronic Timers came to be. It is after all, a family based story that has developed and matured, through years of former experience and good old kinks in the road.

Where it all began

How and why a business is born can be an interesting and worthwhile story to tell. Often for the fact that the idea or reason for beginning a business can resonate with others who are contemplating a similar entrepreneurial path. Or for the other simple and valid reason of letting your customers know where you’re coming from – that is, where you’ve been and where you’re going.

We hope our story will reach people on all levels

Apprenticeships were the way to go back in my day and it’s something of a shame that the system which gave so many of us the skills and experience we leverage off today, is no longer as strong a force for young people today.

My apprentiship began with M J Begley Ltd in Pahiatua and after completing this I moved to Lower Hutt where I worked on Commercial and Industrial projects for Mitchell AEI. As life had it, I was fortunate enough to marry the girl next door (Jenny). We had been next door neighbours since around eight years of age, we biked to and from school and now have three children and eight grand children. Our life has been a fortunate progression, one that includes family and career growth.

Round 1 – starting our first Electrical Contracting Company

We moved to Palmerston North where I set up my electrical contracting company, carrying out all aspects of the industry including servicing and installing security and fire alarm systems.

Electrical contracting


The security alarms took me around the country and being that I am a practical thinker, I thought, “I need to speed up my travel time in order to be more efficient” so the logical solution, was obviously to purchase my own aircraft, which I did, an aerobatic Champion Citabria.

The off-shoot of this decision influenced the next few years of my life. I enjoyed flying so much that after six years I started commercial flying and spent two years in Europe as Chief Pilot Training Captain for a freight forwarding company. At the end of the European flying contract we returned to New Zealand to set up another Electrical Contracting business, concentrating mainly on commercial maintenance with a staff of five.

The plan was to semi-retire – the reality was much different

In 2010 we sold our business to our son and daughter-in-law so I could semi-retire. Twelve months after they took over the business, I took on an eighteen month contract in Queensland, Australia working on industrial electrical sites.

On returning home to Whakatane I continued to help out installing meters for my son and daughter-in-law. On one such job we were requested to supply and install a coin operated timer on a commercial clothes dryer. Having had some experience with the Abberfield units I proceeded to purchase one from the local Electrical wholesaler, only to find that this make and model would have to be brought in from the manufacturer in Australia.

A opportunity presented itself and Electronic Timers was born

It’s funny how you come across gaps in the market that lead to business ideas – one client’s needs opened my eyes to the potential country-wide benefits and a few days later I flew to Australia, had a meeting with the Managing Director of Abberfield Industries and secured the distributorship for New Zealand.

I’m proud to represent the Abberfield name – I have always admired their quality, craftsmanship and appearance.

On returning home I went about setting up Electronic Timers Ltd to distribute these timers and energy controllers throughout New Zealand.

My aim is to provide the very best service with the very best product. Speed of delivery is a huge part of providing a great service and by my standards an essential part and to ensure this happens we have set-up a New Zealand wide courier service with the fastest delivery to your door.

Fast delivery

Why this?

Time is money and usage is money; especially where power, gas or water are concerned. They are all resources where usage costs and fitting timers helps prevent wastage, save money and importantly save the planet by conserving these valuable resources.

Ideal for the likes of Councils, Motor Camps, Motels, Hotels, Maraes, Schools, Farms, Orchards or anywhere usage and users can vary, these meters can be installed on any item that needs to be controlled or measured, anything from Washing Machines, Cloths Dryers, BBQ’s, Showers to Public Lighting.

If usage is not monitored, wastage and excessive cost can occur and no-one wants that – least of all you – the person paying the bill.

Electronic Timers is a business venture we are proud to bring to New Zealand and represents my own personal thoughts on conservation, of valuing resources and my understanding of the importance of reducing operational costs in business.

For these simple reasons alone I am fortunate to be able to provide these essential and benefit delivering items to the New Zealand market.

Contact us here to see if our products are right for you.